Friday, December 18, 2015

H2O version 1.6.1 released, now officially supports 64-bit ARM processors

Today I am happy to announce the release of H2O version 1.6.1. The release fixes two build-related issues found in 1.6.0 (link: release notes).

Among them, one is a build error on ARMv8-A, i.e. the 64-bit ARM architecture.

Yes, we now officially support 64-bit ARM!

In late 2015 we have started to see 64bit ARM-based servers / appliances hit the market, and it is likely that we would see more in the coming year.

I hope that H2O will be the best HTTP server for the platform.

EDIT. Personally I am enjoying using Geekbox, a sub-$100 microserver with an octa-core Cortex-A53 processor running Ubuntu :)

Friday, December 4, 2015

H2O HTTP/2 server version 1.6.0 released

Today, I have tagged version 1.6.0 of the H2O HTTP/2 server.

Full list of changes can be found in the release note, but following are the significant ones as I believe.

Error pages are now customizable #606

Finally, error pages can be customized.

You can specify any URL; the contents of the specified URL will be sent to the client when returning an error response. Please consult the document of the errordoc handler for more information.

Support for WebSocket #581

Thanks to Justin Zhu, H2O standalone server is now capable of proxying WebSocket connections.

The feature is considered experimental for the time being and you would need to turn it on explicitly if you need to use it. We will turn the feature on by default in future releases.

Smart file descriptor caching #596

The standalone server now caches open file descriptors, so that serving small static files is significantly faster in version 1.6 when compared to 1.5.

Website administrators need not worry about stale files getting served; the cached file descriptors are closed every once the event loop is being run. In other words, requests that arrive after a file is being modified are guaranteed to have the modified version being served.

Hopefully I will post a benchmark covering the changes in an upcoming blogpost.

HTTP/2 push triggered by mruby is processed ASAP #593

In prior releases, pushed responses were not sent until the response to the request that triggered the push become ready. In 1.6.0, the behavior has been changes so that push triggered by mruby is actually sent while the request is processed by an application server.

The change has noticeable positive impact on user experience, please consult Optimizing performance of multi-tier web applications using HTTP/2 push.

PS. and if you are interested in using H2O with a certificate issued by Let's Encrypt, please refer to Using H2O with Let's Encrypt.

Have fun!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Optimizing performance of multi-tier web applications using HTTP/2 push

Push is a feature of HTTP/2, that allows a server to speculatively send response to a client, anticipating that the client will use the response.

In my earlier blogpost, I wrote that HTTP/2 push does not have significant effect on web performance when serving static files from a single HTTP/2 server. While that is true, push does improve performance by noticeable margin in other scenarios. Let's look into one common case.

The Theory

Many if not most of today's web applications are multi-tiered. Typically, an HTTP request from a client is first accepted by an httpd (either operated by the provider of the web service or by a CDN operator). The httpd serves asset files by itself, while routing requests for HTML documents to application server through fastcgi or HTTP/1.

It is when the response from the application server takes time that HTTP/2 push gives us a big performance boost.

The chart below should be a clear explanation why. With HTTP/2 push, it has become possible for a server to start sending assets that are going to be referred from HTML, before the generated HTML is returned from the application running behind.

Figure 1. Timing sequence of a multi-tiered webapp
(RTT: 50ms, processing-time: 200ms)

It is not uncommon for an web application to spend hundreds of milliseconds processing an HTTP request, querying and updating the database. It is also common for a CDN edge server to wait for hundreds of milliseconds fetching a HTTP response from an web application server through an inter-continental connection.

In case of the chart, RTT between httpd and client is 50ms and the processing time is 200ms. Therefore, the server is capable of spending 4 round-trips (or typically slightly above 200KB of bandwidth1) for pushing asset files before HTML becomes ready to be served.

And thanks to push transactions, the connection will be warm enough by the time when HTML becomes available to the web server, so that the chance of the server being able to send whole document at once becomes bigger.

Theoretically, the upper bound of time reducible by the proposed approach (i.e. push assets until the main document becomes ready) is:
time_reducedmax = processing_time + 1 RTT
The additional 1 RTT appears if HTML being delivered is small that it is incapable of growing the send window in the pull case. time_reducedmin is obviously zero, when no resource that can be pushed exists.

Cache-aware Server Push

Even in case you have a time window that can be used to push few hundred kilobytes of data, you would definitely not want to waste the bandwidth by pushing responses already cached by the client.

That is why cache-aware server-pusher (CASPER) becomes important.

Initially implemented as an experimental feature in H2O HTTP2 server version 1.5, CASPER tracks the cache state of the web browser using a single Cookie2. The cookie contains a fingerprint of all the high-priority asset files being cached by the browser compressed using Golomb-compressed sets. H2O updates the fingerprint every time it serves a high-priority asset file, as well as for determining whether certain asset files should be pushed or not.

It should be noted that the current fingerprint maintained by the cookie is at best a poor estimate of what is being cached by the client. Without a way to peek into the web browser cache, we cannot update the fingerprint stored in the cookie to reflect evictions from the cache2. Ideally, web browsers should calculate the fingerprint by itself and send the value to the server. But until then, we have to live with using cookies (or a ServiceWorker-based implementation that would give us freedom in implementing our own cache3) as a hacky workaround.


Let's move on to an experiment to verify if the theory can be applied in practice.

For the purpose, I am using the top page of The server (H2O version 1.6.0-beta2 with CASPER enabled; see configuration) is given 50ms simulated latency using tc qdisc, and a web application that returns index.html with 200ms latency is placed behind the server. Google Chrome 46 is used as the test client.

FWIW, the size of the responses being served are as follows:

Figure 2. Size of the Files by Type
File typeSize
index.html3,619 bytes
blocking assets319,700 bytes (5 files)
non-blocking assets415,935 bytes (2 files)
Blocking assets are CSS and JavaScript files that block the critical rendering path (i.e. the files that need to be obtained by the browser before rendering the webpage). Non-blocking assets are asset files that do not block the critical path (e.g. images).

Next two figures are the charts shown by the Chrome's Developer Tools. In the former, none of the responses were pushed. In the latter, blocking assets were pushed using CASPER.

Figure 3. Chrome Timing Chart without Push

Figure 4. Chrome Timing Chart with Push4

As can be seen, both DOMContentLoaded and load events are observed around 230 msec earlier when push is being used; which matches the expectation that we would see an improvement of 200 msec to 250 msec.

Figure 5. Timing Improvements with Push
EventWithout Push (msec)With Push (msec)Delta (msec)Gain


As shown in this blogpost, cache-aware server push can be used by a reverse proxy to push assets while waiting for the backend application server to provide dynamically generated content, effectively hiding the processing time of the application server. Or in case of CDN, it can be used to hide the latency between the edge server and the application server.

Considering how common it is the case that the processing time of an web application (or the RTT between an edge server and an application server) is greater than the RTT between the client and the reverse proxy (or the edge server in case of CDN), we can expect cache-aware server push to provide noticeable improvement to web performance in many deployments.

1: in common case where INITCWND is 10 and MSS is around 1,400 bytes, it is possible to send 150 packets in 4 RTT, reaching 210KB in total
2: fortunately, existence of false-positives in the fingerprint is not a big issue, since the client can simply revert to using ordinary GET request in case push is not used
3: ongoing work is explained in HTTP/2 Push を Service Worker + Cache Aware Server Push で効率化したい話 - Block Rockin' Codes
4: Chromes' timing chart shows pushed streams as being fetched when they are actually being adopted after received

EDIT: This blogpost is written as part of the http2 Advent Calendar 2015 (mostly in Japanese).

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Using H2O with Let's Encrypt

Let's Encrypt is a new certificate authority that is going to issue certificates for free using automated validation process. They have announced that they will enter public beta on Dec. 3rd 2015.

This blogpost explains how to setup a H2O using the automated process.

Step 1. Install the client
% git clone

Step 2. Obtain the certificate

If you already have a web server listening to port 80, then run:
% cd letsencrypt
% ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --webroot \
    --webroot-path $DOCROOT \
    --email $EMAIL \
    --domain $HOST1
$DOCROOT should be the path of the web sever's document root. $EMAIL should be the email address of the website administrator. $HOST should be the hostname of the web server (also the name for which a new certificate will be issued).

Or if you do not have a web server listening on the server, then run:
% cd letsencrypt
% ./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone \
    --email $EMAIL \
    --domain $HOSTNAME
Issued certificate and automatically-generated private key will be stored under /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOSTNAME.

Step 3. Configure H2O

Setup the configuration file of H2O to use the respective certificate and key files.
  port: 443
    certificate-file: /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOSTNAME/fullchain.pem
    key-file: /etc/letsencrypt/live/$HOSTNAME/privkey.pem
Do not forget to replace $HOSTNAMEs within the snippet with your actual hostname.

That's all. Pretty simple, isn't it?
Kudos to the people behind Let's Encrypt for providing all of these (for free).

For more information, please consult documents on and

1: you may also need to use --server option to obtain a production-ready certificate during the beta process

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

mruby で同期呼出を非同期化する話(もしくは H2O の mruby ハンドラでネットワークアクセスする話)









ざっと、以下のような感じになります。Rack ハンドラ自体を Fiber 内に置き、その入出力と、非同期化したい関数(ここでは DB#query)が呼ばれたタイミングで Fiber.yield を呼ぶことで、メインループ(これは実際には C で書くことになる)へ制御を戻しています。

# DB class that calls yield
class DB
  def query
    return Fiber.yield ["db#query"]

# the application, written as an ordinary Rack handler
app = lambda {|env|
  p "received request to #{env["PATH_INFO"]}"
  [200, {}, ["hello " +]]

# fiber that runs the app
runner = {
  req = Fiber.yield
  while 1
    resp =
    req = Fiber.yield ["response", resp]

# the app to be written in C
msg = {"PATH_INFO"=> "/abc"} # set request obj
while 1    
  status = runner.resume(msg)
  if status[0] == "response"
    resp = status[1]
  elsif status[0] == "db#query"
    # is a database query, return the result
    msg = ""
    raise "unexpected status:#{status[0]}"
p "response:" + resp[2].join("")

  • fiber 内からしか呼べない - それでいいのか?
  • fiber 内で、Cコードを経由して呼ばれた ruby コードから Fiber.yield できない
いずれも大した問題ではないですが、ここに付記しておきます(後者は mruby の場合、大きな問題にならないと認識されているようです。参照:。



  • Cライブラリのラッパーを書く
    • Cライブラリが、非同期モデルをサポートしている必要がある
    • イベントループ (libuv, libev, ...) 毎に対応が必要
    • プロトコルを実装しなくて良い
  • rubyでバインディングを書く
    • プロトコルを実装する必要がある
    • rubyで書ける!
    • 各バックエンド (libuv, libev, ngx_mruby, h2o, ...) が同じ ruby API (TCPSocketのサブセットで良いと思う) を提供すれば、イベントループ毎の対応が不要
    • Cより遅いかも…

個人的には、rubyでバインディングを書くアプローチが好みです。速度が遅いかも…という点については、Perl IO を用いた HTTP 実装を推進してきた立場から言うと、スクリプト言語のI/Oレイヤの負荷はネットワーク通信を行うプログラムにおいては多くの場合問題にならないと考えます。問題になるとすれば、通信データのパーサですが、ここのみをネイティブコード化するという手法で十分に対応できることは、Plack や Furl に慣れた Perl プログラマであれば納得できる話かと思いますし、(m)ruby においても同等かと思います。


長くなりましたが、H2O (あるいはイベントドリブンなプログラム一般)から、同期的に書かれたネットワーククライアントを呼び出す mruby スクリプトを起動する方法については、
  • 同期的に記述されたアプリケーションを Fiber を使ったラッパーで非同期化する
  • ホストプログラムは、Fiber を通じて、TCPSocket と互換性のある同期ソケット API を提供する
  • プロトコルバインディングは、Rubyで(もしくは、Ruby の TCPSocket と C で書かれたプロトコルパーサを組み合わせて)提供する

Friday, November 6, 2015



一方、H2O には、ブラウザキャッシュに載ってない js や css をサーバプッシュする仕組み「cache-aware server push」があって、何がキャッシュされているか判定するためにブルームフィルタを全ての HTTP リクエストに含める必要がある。





なので、こいつを git clone して make して、以下のような感じで使うことができる。

(100, 155, 931) というソート済の整数列をエンコード
% (echo 100; echo 155; echo 931) | ./golombset --encode | od -t x1
0000000    41  90  6d  c0  ff

% (echo 100; echo 155; echo 931) | ./golombset --encode | ./golombset --decode



% perl -MList::MoreUtils=uniq -e 'my @a = (); while (@a < 100) { @a = uniq sort { $a <=> $b } (@a, int rand(10000)); } print "$_\n" for @a' | ./golombset --encode | wc -c


以上が、これなら現実的だよねってんで H2O の cache-aware server push は実装されたのでした、という経緯と、それにあわせて作ったライブラリの紹介でした。


ImperialViolet - Smaller than Bloom filters
Golomb-coded sets: smaller than Bloom filters (

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Performance improvements with HTTP/2 push and server-driven prioritization


HTTP/2 push only marginally improves web-site performance (even when it does). But it might provide better user experience over mobile networks with TCP middleboxes.


Push is an interesting feature of HTTP/2.

By using push, HTTP servers can start sending certain asset files that block rendering (e.g. CSS and script files) before the web browser issues requests for such assets. I have heard (or spoken myself of) anticipations that by doing so we might be able to cut down the response time of the Web.

CASPER (cache-aware server pusher)

The biggest barrier in using HTTP/2 push has so far been considered cache validation.

For the server to start pushing asset files, it needs to be sure that the client does not already have the asset cached. You would never want to push a asset file that is already been cached by the client - doing so not only will waste the bandwidth but also cause negative effect on response time. But how can a server determine the cache state of the client without spending an RTT asking to the client?

That's were CASPER comes in.

CASPER (abbreviation for cache-aware server pusher) is a function introduced in H2O version 1.5, that tracks the cache state of the web browser using a single Cookie. The cookie contains a fingerprint of all the high-priority asset files being cached by the browser compressed using Golomb-compressed sets.

The cookie is associated with every request sent by the client1. So when the server receives a request to HTML, it can immediately determine whether or not the browser is in possession of the blocking assets (CSS and script files) required to render the requested HTML. And it can push the only files that are known not to be cached.

With CASPER, it has now become practical to use HTTP/2 push for serving asset files.

Using HTTP/2 push in H2O

This week, I have started using CASPER on - the tiny official site of H2O.

The configuration looks like below. The mruby handler initiates push of JavaScript and CSS files if the request is against the top page or one of the HTML documents, and then (by using 399 status code) delegates the request to the next handler (defined by file.dir directive) that actually returns a static file. http2-casper directive is used to turn CASPER on, so that the server will discard push attempts initiated by the mruby handler for assets that are likely cached. http2-reprioritize-blocking-assets is a performance tuning option that raises the priority of blocking assets to highest for web browsers that do not.
        mruby.handler: |
          lambda do |env|
            push_paths = []
            if /(\/|\.html)$/.match(env["PATH_INFO"])
              push_paths << "/search/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"
              push_paths << "/search/oktavia-jquery-ui.js"
              push_paths << "/search/oktavia-english-search.js"
              push_paths << "/assets/style.css"
              push_paths << "/assets/searchstyle.css"
            return [
              push_paths.empty? ?
                {} :
                {"link" =>{|p| "<#{p}>; rel=preload"}.join("\n")},
        file.dir: /path/to/doc-root
    http2-casper: ON
    http2-reprioritize-blocking-assets: ON

The benchmark

With the setting above (with http2-reprioritize-blocking-assets both OFF and ON), I have measured unload, first-paint, and load timings2 using Google Chrome 46, and the numbers are as follows. The RTT between the server and the client was ~25 milliseconds. The results were mostly reproducible between multiple attempts.

First, let's look at the first two rows that have push turned off. It is evident that reprio:on3 starts rendering the response 50 milliseconds earlier (2 RTT). This is because unless the option is turned on, the priority tree created by Chrome instructs the web browser to interleave responses containing CSS / JavaScript with those containing image files.

Next, let's compare the first two rows (push:off) with the latter two (push:off). It is interesting that unload timings have moved towards right. This is because when push is turned on, the contents of the asset files are sent before the contents of the HMTL. Since web browsers unload the previous page when it receives the first octets of the HTML file, using HTTP/2 push actually increases the time spent until the previous page is unloaded.

The fact will have both positive and negative effects to user experience; the positive side is that time user sees a blank screen decreases substantially (the red section - time spent after unload before first-paint). The negative side is that users would need to wait longer until he/she knows that the server has responded (by the browser starting to render the next page).

It is not surprising that turning on push only somewhat improves the first-paint timing compared to both being turned off; the server is capable of sending more CSS and JavaScript before it receives request for image files, and start interleaving the responses with them.

On the other hand, it might be surprising that using push together with reprioritization did not cause any differences. The reason is simple; in this scenario, transferring the necessary assets and the <head> section of the HTML (in total about 320KB) required about 10 round trips (including overhead required by TCP, TLS, HTTP/2). With this much roundtrips, the merit of push can hardly be observed; considering the fact that push is technique to eliminate one round trip necessary for the browser to issue requests for the blocking assets4.


The benchmark reinforces the claims made by some that HTTP2 push will only have marginal effect on web performance5. The results have been consistent with expectations that using push will only optimize the web performance by 1 RTT at maximum, and it would be hard to observe the difference considering the effect of TCP slow start and how many roundtrips are usually required to render a web page.

This means to the users of H2O (with reprioritization turned on by default) that they can expect near-best performance without using push.

On the other hand, we may still need to look at networks having TCP proxies. As discussed in Why TCP optimisation has become more important than content optimization ( some mobile carriers do seem to have such middlebox installed.

Existence of such device is generally a good thing since it not only reduces packet retransmits but also improves TCP bandwidth during the slow-start phase. But the downside is that their existence usually increase application-level RTT, since they expand the amount of data in-flight, which has a negative impact on the responsiveness of HTTP/2. HTTP/2 push will be a good optimization under such network conditions.

1. the fingerprint contained in the Cookie header is efficiently compressed by HPACK
2. wpbench was used to collect the numbers; first-paint was calculated as max(head-parsed, css-loaded); in this benchmark, DOMContentLoaded timing was indifferent to first-paint
3. starting from H2O version 1.5, http2-reprioritize-blocking-assets option is turned on by default
4. at 10 RTT it is unlikely that we have hit the maximum network bandwidth, and that means that packets will be received by the browser in batch every RTT
5. there are use cases for HTTP/2 push other than pushing asset files

Thursday, October 8, 2015


みたいなツッコミをもらって、うっすみません…ってなってRuby VMのコードを読むことになったわけです。


1. オブジェクト生成のホットパスの最適化



* gc.c (newobj_of): divide fast path and slow path


optimize performance of `rb_str_resurrect` by kazuho · Pull Request #1050 · ruby/ruby


2. ヒープページのソートをやめる




3. スイープの最適化


optimize gc sweep by kazuho · Pull Request #1049 · ruby/ruby

この3つを組み合わせると、rdocみたいな実アプリケーションの実行時間が、手元で5%以上縮みそう!注1 ってことで満足したのがここ二日間の進捗です!!!!!!! なんかいろいろ滞っているような気がしますがすみああおえtぬさおえうh


注1: バグがなければ!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

[メモ] OS XのホストからVMにnfsでファイル共有

普段OS X上で作業しつつ、開発ディレクトリをOS X上のVMで動いているLinuxやFreeBSDからもアクセスできるようにしてあると、互換性検証がはかどる。


1. ゲスト側で通常使用するアカウントのuser-id,group-idを、OS Xのそれに揃える

2. OS Xの/etc/exportsと/etc/nfs.confを以下のように、TCP経由でVMの仮想ネットワークにだけファイルを公開するよう設定
/shared-dir -mapall=user:group -network netaddr -mask netmask

3. ゲスト側の/etc/fstabにマウント情報を設定 /shared-dir nfs rw,noatime 1 0

注. VMware Fusion 10の場合は、環境設定から、新しいネットワークを作成し、「NATを使用する」を外し、そのネットワークを使う必要がある。そうしない限り、ホストに見えるTCPのソースアドレスがローカルネットワークのものにならない。


Thursday, October 1, 2015

ウェブページの描画 (first-paint) までの時間を測定するツールを作った件、もしくはHTTP2時代のパフォーマンスチューニングの話




イベント 意味
unload 現在のページからの離脱。離脱後、first-paintまでは真っ白な表示になります
first-paint ウェブページの初回描画(HTMLの後半や画像は存在しない可能性があります)
DOMContentLoaded ウェブページのレイアウト完了
load (onload) 画像等を含む全データの表示完了

  • ユーザができるだけ早くウェブページを閲覧し始めることができるよう、first-paintの値を小さくすることを第一の目標注1
  • 全データができるだけ早く揃うよう、loadの値を小さくすることを第二の目標

ですが、残念なことに、first-paintまでの時間をAPIを用いて取得できるウェブブラウザは一部に限られています(参照:「Webページ遷移時間のパフォーマンス「First Paint」を計測する方法」)。また、測定にあたって、運用中のウェブページに変更を加えたくない、ということもあったりします。






注1: ブラウザによってはfirst-paintのタイミングを取得できないため、DOMContentLoadedを使うこともありますが、DOMContentLoadedには<body>末尾に配置する統計系のスクリプトの読み込みにかかる時間等が加算される点等、注意が必要になります。また、画像なしに閲覧が不可能なサイトについては、Above the foldの値をチューニングする必要があります

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

H2O version 1.5.0 released

Today, I am happy to announce the release of H2O version 1.5.0.

Notable improvements from 1.4 series are as follows:

On-the-fly gzip support

This was a feature requested by many people, and I would like to thank Justin Zhu for doing the hard work!

mruby-based scripting

Server-side scripting using mruby is now considered production level.
And now that the our API is base on Rack, it would be easy for Ruby programmers to use / learn, thanks to its excellent design and documentation.

For this part, my thank you goes to Ryosuke Matsumoto, Masayoshi Takahashi, Masaki TAGAWA.

cache-aware server push

Server-push is an important aspect of HTTP/2, however it has generally believed to be hard to use, since web application do not have the knowledge of what has already been cached on the client-side.

With the help of Ilya Grigorik and the Japanese HTTP/2 community, we have essentially solved the issue by introducing cache-aware server push; the server is now capable of tracking the what the web browser has in its cache, and determine whether or not a resource should be pushed!

We plan to improve the feature in the upcoming releases so that the Web can be even faster!

isolation of private keys

H2O now implements privilege isolation for handling RSA private key operations so that SSL private keys would not leak in case of vulnerabilities such as Heartbleed.

In the upcoming days I will post several blogposts explaining the notable changes. Stay tuned.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Neverbleed - RSAの秘密鍵演算を別プロセスに分離する話


qmailは、そのような設計がなされたメール配送デーモンとして名高いですし、OpenSSHもまた、認証プロセスと通信プロセスを分離することで、外部との通信を担当するコードにバグがあったとしても、ルート権限が奪われないように設計されています(参照: Privilege Separated OpenSSH)。







Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Directory traversal vulnerability found in H2O

A directory traversal vulnerability has been found in H2O. Users are advised to update immediately.

EDIT. I am sorry to have included an information leakage vulnerability in my software. Information leakage vulnerability consists of two categories: file leakage and memory leakage. Today we have fixed the former; there are no known vulnerabilities that need to be fixed.

However, considering the fact that it is hard to prove that there is no memory leakage vulnerability, we are going to implement privilege separation for handling TLS private keys in the upcoming 1.5 release just in case so that the private keys would not get exposed even if such vulnerability exist.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

前方秘匿性 (forward secrecy) をもつウェブサイトの正しい設定方法

前方秘匿性(forward secrecy)とは、以下のような性質を指します。

鍵が漏れることも想定せよ――クラウド時代における「楕円曲線暗号」の必然性 - @IT

鍵が攻撃者や諜報機関など第三者の知るところとなった場合でも、それまで通信していた暗号文が解読されないようにしないといけない、という考え方とともに、最近 HTTPS を利用するウェブサイトにおいても導入が求められるようになってきた概念です。





しかし、TLSプロトコルには、鍵交換以外にセッション鍵を保存し、再利用する仕組みが存在します。Session ResumptionとSession Ticketの2つがそれに該当します。

このうち、OpenSSLが標準でサポートし、ウェブブラウザが対応している場合(IE9以前とMobile Safari以外の全ての主要ウェブブラウザが該当します)にSession Resumptionより優先して利用されるSession Ticketは、セッション鍵をサーバのみが知るマスターキーで暗号化して、クライアントに送信します。


そうです。このSession Ticketの暗号化に使われるマスターキーを定期的に更新しない限り、マスターキーが流出してしまった場合、過去の通信内容がすべて解読されてしまうことになるのです。



解決策1. Session Ticket機能を無効化する

第一の解決策はウェブサーバの設定でSession Ticket機能を無効化することです。Apache の場合は SSLSessionTickets、nginx の場合は ssl_session_tickets という設定コマンドを使うことで、無効化することができます。

しかし、nginx (とevent mpmを使用するApache)は、複数サーバにまたがる session resumption 機能を実装していません。そのため、ロードバランサの背後に複数のHTTPSサーバを立てている場合は、session ticket をオフにすると、新規接続確立のたびにTLSハンドシェイクが発生し、ユーザの体感速度の低下やサーバの負荷増大につながってしまいます。

解決策2. サーバを定期的に再起動する

ApacheやNginxは、サーバを起動するタイミングで Session Ticket のマスターキーを再生成します。なので、たとえば1時間に1回サーバを再起動すれば、前方秘匿性を確保しつつ Session Ticket を使うことができます。簡単ですね!!!

なお、ロードバランサの背後に複数のHTTPSサーバを立てている場合は、それらのサーバを再起動する度に、新しいマスターキーが記述された設定ファイルを再配布する必要があります。このへんは Twitter さんの涙ぐましい努力の話があるので、それを参考にがんばりましょう。

解決策3. H2O を使う


そこで H2O ですよ!!!!



・Session Ticket のマスターキーは、他のサーバのように AES-128 ではなく AES-256 です
・Session Ticket は自動的に更新されます(デフォルト15分間隔)
・ロードバランサの背後に複数台のH2Oを設置する場合、Session Ticketをmemcachedで共有するように設定することが可能です
・ついでに、Memcached を用いた複数サーバにまたがるSession Resumptionにも対応しているので、Mobile Safari でのHTTPSアクセスも高速に処理することができます

というわけで、安全なウェブサイトを構築したい人は H2O 使えばいいんじゃないでしょうか。ちなみに、H2O 使うとユーザの体感速度も速くなるのでいいことづくめかと思います。


Wednesday, July 22, 2015

H2O version 1.4.0 released with outstanding support for forward secrecy and load balancing (and the experimental mruby handler)

Today I am happy to announce the release of the H2O HTTP/2 server version 1.4.0.

There have been a few changes and bug fixes from version 1.3.1 (that showed big performance improvements over the older generations of HTTP servers without support for request prioritization), but the most prominent ones are the following.

Support for the PROXY protocol

The PROXY protocol is a de-facto standard protocol used by L4 load balancers (such as AWS Elastic Load Balancing) to notify the web servers running behind them the IP addresses of the clients. Support for the protocol is essential for running a web server behind such load balancer; without the support it is impossible to log the address of the client or to work against attacks.

In version 1.4.0, we have added support for the protocol which makes H2O a good choice for large scale and/or highly-available web sites running multiple HTTP servers behind a load balancer.

Support for cache-based and ticket-based TLS session resumption using Memcached (and forward secrecy)

The PROXY protocol is not the only thing that now makes H2O a good choice for such websites.

When running a HTTPS server cluster behind a L4 load balancer, it is desirable that the server supports session resumption using a shared datastore such as memcached.

TLS Session Resumption: Full-speed and Secure is a good read for those who are interested in what session resumption is; in short, it reduces the time spent for establishing a TLS connection to about half, and also reduces the CPU time to below 10%!

However, until now, front-end HTTP servers have been not good at supporting session resumption using a shared datastore.

Among the two resumption methods, Nginx does not support the more-widely-deployed cache-based session resumption using a shared datastore.

It should also be noted that most web servers are not good at supporting ticket-based resumption; they use 128-bit AES for storing master secrets (even in cases when a more complex ciphersuite is used), and also do not automatically roll-over the secrets (which botches forward-secrecy).

As pointed out by Tim Taubert, the sad state of the server-side TLS session resumption implementations has been the headache of administrators trying to setup secure websites. Forward Secrecy at Twitter is an example that shows how difficult it is to configure a website supporting forward-secrecy.

Being the primary developer of H2O, I believe that web servers should be easily configurable to be secure; so in version 1.4.0 we have implemented the following features:

  • cache-based session resumption using memcached
  • automatic rollover of master secret used for ticket-based resumption
  • synchronization of master secrets that rollover, using memcached
  • directive to configure the cipher used for encrypting tickets (with default being aes-256-cbc)

Table 1.Supported Methods of Session Resumption
Resumption Method
Session ResumptionSession Ticket
Apache (prefork)yesno forward-secrecy (AES-128)
Apache (worker)yesno forward-secrecy (AES-128)
Apache (event)not sharableno forward-secrecy (AES-128)
Nginxnot sharableno forward-secrecy (AES-128)
Varnish (hitch)needs recompileno
H2Oyesyes (AES-256)

And with H2O, they are easy to use! A simple configuration like below activates all the features. The H2O server cluster will share information of both cache-based and ticket-based session resumption using memcached, with complex cipher used for protecting master secrets that are automatically rolled over.

  port: 443
    key-file: /path/to/key-file
    certificate-file: /path/to/certificate-file
  proxy-protocol: ON
  method: all
    host: address.of.memcached.server
    port: 11211

Please refer to the documentation for the details of the configuration directive.

Experimental mruby Handler

We are also proud to announce that we now have a scripting engine running within the H2O standalone server that can be used to customize the behavior, and that the programming language is Ruby.

Developed by Yukihiro Matz (the father of the Ruby programming language) and others, mruby is an implementation of the language for embedded use. Thanks to MATSUMOTO Ryosuke the language runtime can now be used to script how the HTTP requests should be handled within H2O.

The handler is still in very early stages and considered unstable (therefore it is not turned on by default, you would need to pass -DWITH_MRUBY=ON as an argument to CMake to build H2O with support for the mruby handler), but nevertheless it is already a great addition to the H2O HTTP server; such a scripting engine gives you great flexibility to customize the behavior of the server depending on the tiny aspects of a HTTP request, or to mitigate attacks.

Please refer to Ryosuke's weblog for more information (in Japanese). In addition to topics related to H2O, you can find excellent entries about how to use a scripting engine within web servers to work against cyber attacks.


All in all, we are happy to provide a new release of the H2O server to the public, that is secure and easy to use (with flexibility), once again raising the bar of what people should expect on a HTTP server to provide.

I hope you enjoy using the new release of H2O.

Thursday, June 18, 2015




http://hoge/entry/1 みたいなのをphpにマップする方法はまだよくわかってません。その内しらべます

FastCGI (or PHP) applications should be as easily configurable as it is for the Apache HTTP server

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [QSA,L]

ちなみにこの手のことをNginxでやろうとするともっと難しくて、以下のようにtry_filesfastcgi_split_path_infoを使わないと脆弱性が発生するなんて話があるそうです(参照: Setting up PHP-FastCGI and nginx? Don’t trust the tutorials: check your configuration! » Neal Poole)。これ、みんなちゃんとできてるんですかね?
# Pass all .php files onto a php-fpm/php-fcgi server.
location ~ \.php$ {
   try_files $uri =404;

   fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
   include fastcgi_params;
   fastcgi_index index.php;
   fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
   fastcgi_pass php;


    # /path/to/doc-root以下の静的ファイルを返す(存在した場合)
    file.dir: /path/to/doc-root
    # 存在しなければ、/index.php/ に内部転送
      url: /index.php/
      internal: YES
      status: 307



複数のハンドラが設定されている場合、H2O は有効なレスポンスが生成できるまで、ハンドラを順次実行していきます。つまり、コメントにあるように、ファイルが存在すればそれを返すし、存在しなければ /index.php/ 以下にリクエストを内部的に転送し、その転送した結果の応答をクライアントに返すわけです。




  extension: .php
  fastcgi.spawn: "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=10 exec /usr/bin/php-cgi"


リンク先のリリース告知エントリにも書いてあるけど、他のウェブサーバより表示速度(first-paint time)が、かなり速いですよ!

H2O HTTP/2 server version 1.3.0 released; provides faster response to user, adds support for FastCGI, range-request

Today we are happy to announce the release of H2O version 1.3.0. The new release includes many changes and bug fixes since 1.2.0, but the notable ones are as follows.

Faster response to user

It is known that providing faster response to users greatly improve their experience, and many web engineers work hard on optimizing the time spent until user starts seeing the contents. The theoretically easiest way to optimize the speed (without reducing the size of the data being transmitted) is to transfer essential contents first, before transmitting other data such as images.

With the finalization of HTTP/2, such approach has become practical thanks to it's dependency-based prioritization features. However, not all web browsers (and web servers) optimally prioritize the requests. The sad fact is that some of them do not prioritize the requests at all which actually leads to worse performance that HTTP/1.1 in some cases.

Since the release of version 1.2.0, we have conducted benchmark tests that measure first-paint time (time spent until the web browser starts rendering the new webpage), and have added a tuning parameter that can be turned on to optimize the first-paint time of web browsers that do not leverage the dependency-based prioritization, while not disturbing those that implement sophisticated prioritization logic.

The chart below shows the first-paint time measured using a virtual network with 100ms latency (typical for 4G mobile networks), rendering a web page containing jquery, CSS and multiple image files.

First-Paint Time (network latency: 100ms)

It is evident that the prioritization logic implemented in H2O and the web browsers together offer a huge reduction in first-paint time. As the developer of H2O, we believe that the prioritization logic implemented in H2O to be the best of class (if not the best among all), not only implementing the specification correctly but also for having practical tweaks to optimize against the existing web browsers.

In other words, web-site administrators can provide better (or the best) user-experience to the users by switching their web server to H2O. For more information regarding the topic, please read HTTP/2 (and H2O) improves user experience over HTTP/1.1 or SPDY.

Version 1.3.0 also supports TCP fast open, an extension to TCP/IP that reduces the time required for establishing a new connection. The extension is already implemented in Linux (and Android), and is also expected to be included in iOS 9. As of H2O version 1.3.0 the feature is turned on by default to provide even quicker user experience. Kudos go to Tatsuhiko Kubo for implementing the feature.

FastCGI support

Since the initial release of H2O many users have asked for the feature; it is finally available! And we are also proud that it is easy to use.

First, it can be configured either at path-level or extension-level. The latter means that for example you can simply map .php files to the FastCGI handler without writing regular expressions to extract PATH_INFO.

The second is the ability to launch FastCGI process manager under the control of H2O. You do not need to spawn an external FastCGI server and maintain it separately.

Using these features, for example Wordpress can be set-up just by writing few lines of configuration.
    # serve static files if found
    file.dir: /path/to/doc-root
    # if not found, internally redirect to /index.php/...
      url: /index.php/
      internal: YES
      status: 307
    # handle PHP scripts using php-cgi (FastCGI mode)
      extension: .php
      fastcgi.spawn: "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=10 exec /usr/bin/php-cgi"
Of course it is possible to configure H2O to connect to FastCGI applications externally using TCP/IP or unix sockets.

Support for range-requests

Support for range-requests (HTTP requests that request a portion of a file) is essential for serving audio/video files. Thanks to Justin Zhu it is now supported by H2O.


All in all, H2O has become a much better product in version 1.3 by improving end-user experience and by adding new features.

We plan to continue improving the product. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

HTTP/2 (and H2O) improves user experience over HTTP/1.1 or SPDY

HTTP/2 is expected to offer better user experience than HTTP/1.1, the unanswered question is how much the benefit is in practice.

Tonight I have given a presentation regarding the issue, showing HTTP/2 performance of H2O HTTP server at, a popular technology meetup at Tokyo. This blog post is a summary of the presentation at the meetup, following my recent blog post about the prioritization logic of HTTP/2 and web browser implementations.

Test Scenario:
  • a modified version of (<script> tags moved into <head>)
    • contains 5 CSS files
    • 8 script files in <head>, including a minified version of jquery.js
    • contains 18 not-blocking assets (e.g. images files), both small and large
  • client: Chrome/43 and Firefox/38
  • server: Nginx/1.9.1 and H2O/HEAD
  • network: dedicated virtual network to avoid noise; 100ms latency (typical for 4G mobile) added artificially using tc disc command

Benchmark Results:


When using H2O (and HTTP/2) with optimal settings, the first-paint times are reduced by about 30% when compared to HTTP/1.1 or SPDY/3.1.

First-paint time is a good index of user experience; it shows the timing when the user sees the page being rendered for the first time (or when all assets that block rendering arrives at the client side) since he/she triggered the navigation.

The improvements are due to the fact that Firefox (or Chrome with H2O's http2-reprioritize-blocking-assets configuration directive set to ON) downloads assets files that block rendering (e.g. CSS or JS files) before other asset files (e.g. images).


With the benchmark showing 30% reduction in first-paint time, it is obvious that HTTP/2 (implemented by H2O) is offering superior performance against the protocols of previous generations. However, implementations might not be mature enough to offer such boost in performance (as discussed in recent blog post, Chrome has issues with its prioritization logic which is worked around by the configuration directive of H2O; Nginx does not prioritize the streams even though such feature is available in SPDY).

For the time being it is suggested that users conduct benchmarks to see if their applications actually become faster, or consult the developers of the HTTP servers for benchmark results.

Or, you can use H2O, which has been hereby shown to provide good performance under the described scenario :-)

PS. The presentation slides used at the meetup is available here:

Wednesday, May 27, 2015



1,2,…,9の数をこの順序で、”+”、”-“、またはななにもせず結果が100となるあらゆる組合せを出力するプログラムを記述せよ。例えば、1 + 2 + 34 – 5 + 67 – 8 + 9 = 100となる

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_POS 9
#define EXPECTED 100

static char buf[32];

static void doit(int pos, int sum, char *p, int sign)
    int i, n, s;

    *p++ = sign == 1 ? '+' : '-';
    for (i = pos, n = 0; i <= MAX_POS; ++i, n *= 10) {
        *p++ = '0' + i;
        n += i;
        s = sum + sign * n;
        if (i == MAX_POS) {
            if (s == EXPECTED) {
                *p = '\0';
                printf("%s = %d\n", buf + 1, s);
        } else {
            doit(i + 1, s, p, 1);
            doit(i + 1, s, p, -1);

int main(void)
    doit(1, 0, buf, 1);
    return 0;

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How to properly spawn an external command in C (or not use posix_spawn)

When spawning an external command, as a programmer, you would definitely want to determine if you have succeeded in doing so.

Unfortunately, posix_spawn (and posix_spawnp) does not provide such a feature. To be accurate, there is no guaranteed way to synchronously determine if the function has succeeded in spawning the command synchronously.

In case of Linux, the function returns zero (i.e. success) even if the external command does not exist.

The document suggests that if the function succeeded in spawning the command should be determined asynchronously by checking the exit status of waitpid. But such approach (that waits for the termination of the sub-process) cannot be used if your intension is to spawn a external command that is going to run continuously.

Recently I have faced the issue while working on H2O, and have come up with a solution; a function that spawns an external command that synchronously returns an error if it failed to do so.

What follows is the core logic I implemented. It is fairly simple; it uses the traditional approach of spawning an external command: fork and execvp. And at the same time uses a pipe with FD_CLOEXEC flag set to detect the success of execvp (the pipe gets closed), which is also used for returning errno in case the syscall fails.

pid_t safe_spawnp(const char *cmd, char **argv)
    int pipefds[2] = {-1, -1}, errnum;
    pid_t pid;
    ssize_t rret;

    /* create pipe, used for sending error codes */
    if (pipe2(pipefds, O_CLOEXEC) != 0)
        goto Error;

    /* fork */
    if ((pid = fork()) == -1)
        goto Error;

    if (pid == 0) {
        /* in child process */
        execvp(cmd, argv);
        errnum = errno;
        write(pipefds[1], &errnum, sizeof(errnum));

    /* parent process */
    pipefds[1] = -1;
    errnum = 0;
    while ((rret = read(pipefds[0], &errnum, sizeof(errnum))) == -1
           && errno == EINTR)
    if (rret != 0) {
        /* spawn failed */
        while (waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) != pid)
        pid = -1;
        errno = errnum;
        goto Error;

    /* spawn succeeded */
    return pid;

    errnum = errno;
    if (pipefds[0] != -1)
    if (pipefds[1] != -1)
    errno = errnum;
    return -1;

The actual implementation used in H2O does more; it has a feature to remap the file descriptors so that the caller can communicate with the spawned command via pipes. You can find the implementation here.

I am not sure if this kind of workaround is also needed for other languages, but I am afraid it might be the case.

Anyways I wrote this blogpost as a memo for myself and hopefully others. Happy hacking!

Monday, May 18, 2015

benchart - ベンチマークを記録、表示するプログラムを書いた


  • ベンチマーク結果を保存
  • ベンチマーク測定に使用したコマンドを保存し、再実行
  • ベンチマーク結果をグラフにして表示


$ bin/qrintf gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && time ./a.out 1234567890

real 0m0.176s
user 0m0.170s
sys 0m0.003s

このコマンドをbenchartに引数として渡してやると、コマンドを実行し、その結果をbenchart.xmlというファイルに保存してくれる。sh -c をつけてるのは、その引数をサブシェルでハンドリングするためだし、timeに-pオプションをつけてるのは、空白区切の単位なしの出力にするため。
benchart record -- sh -c 'bin/qrintf gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && /usr/bin/time -p ./a.out 1234567890 2>&1'
Following scores were recorded under name: 283a25e.

    real: 0.17
    user: 0.17
    sys: 0.00

If the results look unapropriate, run `/usr/local/bin/benchart pop` to pop the result.

で、次にv0.9.2でもベンチマークを記録したいので、git checkoutして、今度は引数なしでbenchart recordを実行すると、前回と同じコマンドを実行して、ベンチマークをとってくれる。
$ git checkout v0.9.2
$ benchart record
Following scores were recorded under name: v0.9.2.

    real: 0.17
    user: 0.17
    sys: 0.00

If the results look unapropriate, run `/usr/local/bin/benchart pop` to pop the result.

$ git checkout v0.9.1
$ benchart record
re-running benchmark command: sh -c bin/qrintf gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && /usr/bin/time -p ./a.out 1234567890 2>&1
sh: bin/qrintf: No such file or directory
benchmark script failed with exit status:32512


$ benchart record -- sh -c 'bin/qrintf-gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && /usr/bin/time -p ./a.out 1234567890 2>&1'
Following scores were recorded under name: v0.9.1.

    real: 0.21
    user: 0.20
    sys: 0.00

If the results look unapropriate, run `/usr/local/bin/benchart pop` to pop the result.

$ git checkout v0.9.0
$ benchart record
re-running benchmark command: sh -c bin/qrintf-gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && /usr/bin/time -p ./a.out 1234567890 2>&1
Following scores were recorded under name: v0.9.0.

    real: 0.20
    user: 0.19
    sys: 0.00

If the results look unapropriate, run `/usr/local/bin/benchart pop` to pop the result.

で、測定結果をグラフ表示するには、benchart showコマンドを実行
$ benchart show

ベンチマークを記録するのに使ったコマンドはbenchart list-commandsで一覧表示することができ、benchart record --reuse=nameコマンドで、任意の測定コマンドを再実行可能。


Thursday, May 14, 2015

jailing - chroot jailを構築・運用するためのスクリプトを書いた



俺たちがほしいのは、ホストの環境の一部のみにアクセスできる、手軽なjailだー! ってわけで、ざっくり書いたのが、jailing。




% sudo jailing --root=/var/httpd-jail \
    --bind /usr/local/apache \
    -- \
    /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd \
    -c /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
% sudo jailing --root /var/h2o-jail \
    --bind /usr/local/h2o \
    -- \
    /usr/local/h2o/bin/h2o \
    -m daemon \
    -c /usr/local/h2o/etc/h2o.conf
% sudo jailing --root /var/h2o-jail \
    -- \


詳しくはman jailingしたりしてください。それでは〜

Monday, May 11, 2015

Clangに対応し、より高速になったqrintf version 0.9.2をリリースしました





$ qrintf --version
$ gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && time ./a.out 1234567890

real 0m2.512s
user 0m2.506s
sys 0m0.003s
$ qrintf gcc -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && time ./a.out 1234567890

real 0m0.173s
user 0m0.170s
sys 0m0.002s
$ clang -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && time ./a.out 1234567890

real 0m2.487s
user 0m2.479s
sys 0m0.004s
$ qrintf clang -O2 examples/ipv4addr.c && time ./a.out 1234567890

real 0m0.220s
user 0m0.214s
sys 0m0.002s


それでは、have fun!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

HTTP/2 is much faster than SPDY thanks to dependency-based prioritization


HTTP/2 provides two methods to prioritize streams (e.g. files being served).

One method is called weight-based prioritization. In weight-based prioritization, every stream is given a weight, and the value is used by the server to proportionally distribute the bandwidth between the streams.

The other method is dependency-based prioritization. By using the method, web browsers can advise HTTP/2 servers to send the streams that are depended by other streams before sending the other streams. For example, by using dependency-based prioritization web browsers can request the server to send CSS or JavaScript files before sending HTML or image files.

As of this writing, out of the two popular web browsers that implement HTTP/2, only Firefox uses dependency-based prioritization.

Note: the background section has been rewritten due to the fact that the comparison with SPDY turns out to be wrong, as pointed out in the comment. The original version of the section is here. Rest of the blogpost stays in tact.

The case of Mozilla Firefox

The prioritization strategy of Firefox is as follows1:
  • send CSS and JavaScript files in <HEAD> before HTML and/or image files by using dependency-based prioritization
  • HTML streams are given 2.5x bandwidth above image streams (by using weight-based prioritization)
  • script files within <BODY> are in total given about the half bandwidths of the other files2

Below is the network time chart generated by Firefox 37.0.1 when accessing a sample web page3 (given 100ms network latency6) containing a number of CSS, script files, and images. H2O version 1.2.0 was used as the HTTP/2 server for running the benchmark.

By looking at the chart, you can see that many CSS, script files and images are requested in parallel at some time around 320ms, but that the download of files that block rendering (e.g. CSS and script files) complete before any of the images (even the smallest ones) become available. This is due to the fact, as I explained earlier, that Firefox notifies the HTTP/2 server that HTML and image files depend on the CSS and the script files to become rendered; therefore the server is sending the files being depended before sending the dependents. And thanks to the prioritization, all the files that are required to do the initial rendering arrives at the web browser (a.k.a. first-paint time) at around 1.0 seconds from start.

The case of Google Chrome

On the other hand Chrome's prioritization logic only uses the weight-based prioritization; the logic remains mostly same with that used in SPDY. Chrome assigns a predefined weight to each of the stream based on their types.

Table 1. Priority weight values used by Google Chrome4


And here is the timing chart taken using Chrome (version 44.0.2371.0 canary) when accessing the same web page.

Unlike Firefox, CSS and script files are not arriving before the image files. If you look carefully, you will find a vague relationship between the size and the arrive time of the contents independent to their types. This is because each of the files are interleaved into a single TCP stream based on their weights, and because of the fact that the weight between the files do not differ much. Therefore the initial-paint time is as late as 1.5 seconds5.


As shown, dependency-based prioritization introduced in HTTP/2 brings non-negligible benefit in terms of web-site performance. In case of the benchmark, Firefox using dependency-based prioritization was 1.5x faster than Google Chrome only using weight-based prioritization when comparing the first-print timings.

My understanding is that the developers of Chrome is aware of this issue, so hopefully it will be fixed soon. I also hope that other web browser vendors will utilize dependency-based prioritization. As shown, it is clearly the way to go!

PS. And it should also be worth noting that HTTP/2 servers should implement the prioritization logics correctly. In case of H2O, the server both of the prioritization logics are fully implemented using a per-frame weight-based round robin with the frame size of 16Kbytes at maximum.

note 1: ref: HTTP/2 Dependency Prioritization in Firefox 37, Http2Stream.cpp line 1088 of Firefox
note 2: ref: nsScriptLodare.cpp line 306; I am not sure if this is the intended behavior, IMO script tags in BODY should given a priority equiv. to HTML or image files, and it might be the case that the condition of the if statement should be reversed.
note 3: was used for testing the load speed, with the <script> tags at the end of the document moved into <HEAD>
note 4: ref: MapPriorityToWeight function of Chrome
note 5: the network chart of Chrome includes a 0.2 second block before initianting the TCP connection, which has been subtracted from the numbers written in this blog text.
note 6: An Ubuntu 14.04 instance running on VMware Fusion 7.1.1 on top of OS X 10.9.5 was used for running the server. Network latency was given using tc qdisc command. Both the web browsers were run directly on OS X 10.9.5.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

H2O version 1.2.0 released; bundles LibreSSL by default

This is the release announcement of H2O version 1.2.0. Full list of changes can be found in the Changes. The release includes a fix for a heap-overrun vulnerability in the proxy module; users of prior versions using the H2O as a reverse proxy are urged to upgrade to 1.2.0.

Aside from the bug fixes, we have adjusted the code-base so that no external dependencies would be required when building the standalone server.

One of the hustles while trying to install the older versions of H2O (or any other HTTP/2 server) was that it required the newest version of OpenSSL (version 1.0.2). This is because ALPN, a feature that became only available in version 1.0.2 is essential for the HTTP/2 protocol.

However it is often difficult to upgrade OpenSSL on existing systems, since it is used by other important softwares as well (SSH, etc.).

In H2O version 1.2.0, we have chosen to bundle LibreSSL. LibreSSL is not only considered more stable than OpenSSL; it also support new cipher-suites like chacha20-poly1305, which is the preferred cipher suite of Chrome for Android.

If CMake (the build tool used by H2O) does not detect OpenSSL version 1.0.2 or above, it would instruct the build chain to use LibreSSL being bundled. To enforce the use of libressl being bundled, pass -DWITH_BUNDLED_SSL=on as an argument to CMake (note: you might need to clear the build directory before running cmake). Or set -DWITH_BUNDLED_SSL=off to explicitly disable the use of libressl.

Version 1.2.0 also bundles other dependencies as well, so that the server can be installed as simply as by running cmake, make, and make install.

Have fun!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015





% daifuku dbname tbl1 tbl2 > setup.sql
のように実行すると、指定されたテーブル(ここではtbl1tbl2)にセットすべきトリガや、更新ログを記録するためのテーブル「daifuku_log」を生成するCREATE TABLEステートメントなど、必要なSQL文をsetup.sqlファイルに出力します。

% mysql -u root < setup.sql



mysql> begin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> call daifuku_begin('');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert into direct_message (from_user,to_user,body) values (2,1,'WTF!!!');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> insert into notification (user,body) values (2,'@yappo sent a new message');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> commit;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> select * from daifuku_log\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
    id: 4
action: [
            "id":        "2",
            "from_user": "2",
            "to_user":   "1",
            "body":      ["V1RGISEh"]
            "id":   "2",
            "user": "2",
            "body": ["QHlhcHBvIHNlbnQgYSBuZXcgbWVzc2FnZQ=="]
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


ってことで、それでは、have fun!


同様の機能をアプリケーションロジックとして、あるいは手書きのトリガとして実装することも不可能ではありませんが、トリガを自動生成する daifuku のアプローチの方が、アプリケーション開発に必要な工数、バグ混入の可能性、データベースのロック時間の極小化等の点において優れていると考えられます。


注1: 名前の由来は大福帳型データベースです。
注2: トランザクション単位のrevertではなくdaifuku_logテーブルに記録されたログを逆順に適用していった際に以前のテーブルの状態に戻ることを保証したい場合は、分離レベルをシリアライザブルに設定しておく必要があります。この点において、更新ログを主、現時点での状態を示すテーブルを従とするアプローチに対し劣位であることは、先の記事でも触れたとおりです。
注3: 文字列型等、制御文字やUTF-8の範囲外の値を含む可能性のある型のデータについては、base64エンコードが行われ、それを示すために配列としてログに記録されます。詳しくはman daifukuをご参照ください。
注4: 操作=トランザクションとは元来リレーションに1対1でマッピングされづらいものなので、過去の操作を取り扱うことが主目的の場合には、無理に正規化を行わない方が都合が良いケースが多いと考えられます。

Thursday, March 26, 2015


論理削除が云々について - mike-neckのブログ」を読んで。










  • データベース設計にあたっては、テーブルを「現在の状態」を表現するものとして設計するか、それとも「immutableなマスタと更新ログ、および現時点の状態を表現するビュー」として設計するかという、2つの選択肢がある
  • 前者は簡潔で性能が高くなるが、過去の情報を参照できないという問題がある
  • 「削除フラグ」というのは、「現在の状態」を表現するテーブルに過去の状態の一部を表現する機能を場当たり的に足したもの(なので筋が悪い)
  • それよりも、過去の情報を参照する要件がある場合(もしくはそのような要件が発生すると想定される場合)は、テーブル単位で「immutableなマスタと更新ログ」という設計を採用しつつ、現在の情報をビューとして表現することを考えた方がよい


追記: Re: 論理削除はなぜ「筋が悪い」か - Blog by Sadayuki Furuhashiで挙げられていた疑問点について


カラムのアクセス権は無停止で変更できませんか? つまり、アプリケーションを拡張した結果として削除フラグの存在が冗長になったのであれば、そのフラグの更新をストアドあるいはトリガで行われるように変更し、書き込み権限をドロップすればいいでしょう。
